Parish Giving

Give The Basilica a Gift this Christmas

This Christmas, your donation to our Catholic parish illuminates the season of giving. Help us keep our spiritual home warm with the light of faith by contributing to cover essential bills. Your generosity ensures a welcoming sanctuary where the warmth of community and love shines brightly.

Supporting the Basilica ensures the continuation of vital ministries, vibrant liturgical celebrations, and community outreach. Contribute to building a stronger, more connected community where all are welcome and cared for.  

Thank you for your support. We hope that you will join us at one of our Christmas Masses. 

Christmas Mass Schedule

Ways to Give

Looking for an easy way to financially support your parish? We have several options to help make your Sunday giving easy. 

*Tax receipts will be issued by the parish for all gifts.

Write and sign a cheque payable to our parish with the full name of our church. Please address the envelope to our parish address.

Receive your giving envelopes from our parish by contacting us. We will send you weekly donation envelopes with additional collection envelopes.

A great way to give is bringing cash when you come to Mass.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the parish issues tax receipts for all charitable gifts and tithes.

Tax receipts are prepared annually and sent to you in the first part of each year in time for you to include in your tax return.

We can help! Please contact us at the parish office and we’ll issue you a replacement.

You have two options. You can log in to your member profile where you are able to change your contact information. Or you can contact us at the parish office and we will be happy to update your information.

You can use Visa, MasterCard and American Express to set up your weekly giving. On your credit card statement, you will see your parish name on the charge.

Yes, the online form is secured with the highest bank-level security protocols by our payment processor. We don’t store or keep your credit card number within the parish website at all, and your payment information is not shared with any other people, organizations or entities.

To ensure any processing fees stay low, we calculate weekly giving into one single charge each month. On average, each month has just over 4 weeks and we take that into account so you are giving 12 equal amounts for the year.

You have two options. You can log in to your member profile where you are able to change either of your credit card and contact information. You can also telephone us at the parish office and we can update your credit card information for you. (Please DO NOT send us any credit card information by the contact form).

You have two options. You can log in to your member profile and change the amount there, or you can contact us at the parish office and we can make that change.

There are two options available to stop or cancel monthly payments. You can either log in to your member profile and cancel your recurring gift there, or you can contact us at the parish office and we will be able to cancel this for you.

You can contact us at the parish office and we will do our best to answer any questions you might have.